
‘promoting and sharing expertise in a learning environment to create an integrated hub for collaboration and innovation’
iDeAC emerged from the people that already work in the area of dementia and brain ageing in Southampton. The key purpose defined by groups during a series of workshops was to promote the sharing of expertise in a learning environment, and to create an integrated hub for collaboration and innovation. Key iDeAC personal make up the executive group and act as leads for each targeted theme group.
The purpose for the executive group is to review iDeAC activity, promote and facilitate interdisciplinary working between themes and to support iDeAC strategic objectives including external collaborations and funding.
Individual theme leads identify major workstreams and relevant researchers within a particular defined area, and support iDeAC members to develop a theme plan which fits within the overall iDeAC strategy. A key role is to facilitate communication within the subtheme area, responding to iDeAC initiatives in relation to funding opportunities.

The driving force behind iDeAC